Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Not much to report knitting wise these days. Much of my knitting time is spent on the mitred blanket which is nearing completion. Every time I want to knit I seem to pick up the blanket and this is probably because I am feeling rather ambiguous about the Norwegian socks.

The leg is somewhat tighter than I like, it fits but .... Maybe blocking will help, I don't know. The heel is a bit loose and I know blocking won't help that. The foot will probably be ok but I haven't done enough yet to decide. Not sure if I really want to continue with these or not, colours are rather ho-hum too. What to do ... what to do? If I finish this one and knit another sock I will have to fix the fit problems, do the leg looser and mess around with the heel stitches so it's not so big. Then I'd have two socks that fit differently. Guess I could rip this out and start all over again, but can't say I feel too inclined to do that. Could finish this one up and call it a learning experience. All my other stranded socks have been done in fingering (this is sport) and I know exactly what needles, number of stitches, etc to get a good fit with the fingering. So I gotta make a decision. What would you do?
1) knit the second sock fixing the fit problems and have two different sized socks.
2) rip it out and start again, even though you have no love for it.
3) just knit the one and chalk it up to experience.
4) ???


Anonymous said...

i'd knit the other one too, making it a copy so including the perceived msitakes you made on number one. and then: give them away! to someone else, or to someone else by proxy: charity.
[typo happened too good to correct]

astridpersons said...

advise: If you have no love for it: throw it away, buy new yarn and start something new! There is realy no use in knitting something you don't like. That's a waste of time in my point of vieuw: life is to short for that!
good luck,

Dawn said...

I agree with Astrid. Although I think the sock is really pretty, if you don't like it what's the use of continuing with it.

Or if you happen to know someone with thinner ankles?

I think I would probably just leave it UFO, but it might be a good idea to rip it out and put the yarn back in your stash for a different project.

Sophie_vf said...

Nicola, it looks good though I'm like you - I want it to be comfy!

If it were me, I'd put this one on holders and start the second one right away. And if it went well, rip the first one out and make it match the second. Maybe the second one will fit so nicely it will convert you!

That said, I'd be really unhappy spending that much time on a sock if I didn't like the colours. I agree with astridpersons - life is too short to knit something you don't like. Or TWO of something you don't like.